September 1, 2021
Dear Ski Club Member:
Hoping this finds everyone healthy during these crazy times!
Your annual dues and lodging assessment for the Sikorsky Ski Club, Inc.’s 2021-2022 season will be sent to you electronically as an invoice. Please note this and any other outstanding invoices must be paid BEFORE you can order tickets. Please return invoice with your payment.
This will be the 19th year of the Sikorsky Ski Club and rates have been set accordingly – no increase in annual dues over previous years. Nightly lodging rates have not changed. As time passes, rates may be revised based on how we do financially in the years to come. The Board of Directors has set the following fees for the season:
Annual Membership Fees
A Membership
Single $ 135.00
Single Plus $ 150.00
Family $ 150.00
B Membership
Single $ 135.00
Single Plus $ 150.00
Family $ 150.00
Nightly Lodge Fees
A Membership
Member Adult $ 19.00
Member Child $ 14.00
Guest Adult $ 29.00
Guest Child $ 24.00
B Membership
Member Adult $ 29.00
Member Child $ 24.00
Guest Adult $ 29.00
Guest Child $ 24.00
As usual, we will be assessing each member/family an advance lodging payment equal to four nights lodging for each person listed on your renewal form. You will be required to pay the full amount due for four nights at the lodge for your family. To avoid any confusion regarding the use of this deposit, the following guidelines have been established:
1. The deposit is non-refundable, so use it or lose it.
2. Your deposit can be used for yourself and your family members as you provided on your Membership Application/Annual Renewal Invoice or revised through corresponding with Membership Chair.
The purpose of the advance deposit is to get you to the lodge and make sure we cover our bills, so please use it and enjoy the season.
The invoice has been filled out for you based on last year’s membership. If there are any changes/additions to be made, please edit the invoice and return with the correct fees. Please fill out any information that is missing and/or incorrect and be sure to notify me of any changes during the course of the season. The application and payment is due in FULL by close of business October 1st. If payment is not made by that time, tickets cannot be ordered/purchased.
Digital invoices will be sent via email by September 20th. If paying by check, please make check payable to Sikorsky Ski Club and mail to Sharon Backer, 258 Petrose Circle, Orange, Ct 06477.
Sharon Backer
Membership Chairperson
Payment IN FULL must be received by October 31st. Return invoice with payment.
Per the Ski Club By-Laws “...The membership year shall run from October 1 to September 30 of the following year. All current members who have not renewed their membership prior to the time the membership cap is reached, or by November 15th of each year, whichever comes first the delinquent member shall forfeit his membership; but any member who has so forfeited his membership may be reinstated during the same season (if membership quota allows) upon payment of dues plus 50 percent of the annual dues.