The Connecticut Ski Council (CSC) will be holding a Spring/Summer Picnic Event outdoors on Saturday, June 25, 2022 at the New Britain Falcon Field. The event is being planned to gather CSC members under one roof to have fun, socialize, dance to the entertaining "Eight to the Bar" band, play games (volleyball, corn hole, and more), eat food, and enjoy one another.
Tickets will be pre sold to the event and the price will is to be determined (although expected to be about $10.00 per ticket). Free parking will be available in a big open grassy lot.
The CSC is hoping to have upwards of 1000 CSC members in attendance! Falcon Field has a cement floor that is covered by an awning and overhead lighting. The floor space has been known to contain 2000 Polka Dancers at one time so the size is a great asset (along with the awning covering it!). The field space will be available for games and activities. The event is open to families so children are welcome. The event will be BYOB. No alcohol will be available for purchase. The event is expected so start around 4:00pm and continue into the evening with the band scheduled to play for 4 hours (commencing around 6:30pm). The CSC is exploring the idea of contracting "Food Trucks" so that attendees may purchase their own food from a vendor of their choice.
We need an "estimate" of approximately how many members from the Sikorsky Ski Club would like to attend this . If you are interested please send an estimate of how many ticket's you'd like to purchase via email to info@sikorskyskiclub.com as soon as possible.